Service Lasts a Lifetime

Service Lasts a Lifetime

Another wonderful week of Vacation Bible School has finished, and I’ve had a few days to reflect on all the amazing ways I saw God moving during that week. Children came into the church building with excited faces and left smiling, laughing, and singing each day.

I overheard children telling their parents about all the cool things they learned and did during Bible story time, the fun games they played outside during recreation, how they liked the snack they ate, the activity they did during the video rotation, and showing off the craft they made for the day.

Parents happily brought their children to us to learn about Jesus, knowing they were leaving them in a safe and loving environment. Numerous parents asked me where they could find the V.B.S. songs that their children just couldn’t stop singing. I watched as a group of about 40 youth and adult volunteers willingly chose to give their time to participate in this act of service because as much fun as V.B.S. is for the kids, for the volunteers, it truly is a selfless act of service.

I’ve heard it said before that you’re either in the midst of doing V.B.S. or planning for the next one. And that is a true statement. That one week is prayed over, thought out, organized, prepped, and actively put together for the entire year leading up to it. And to me, the most beautiful part of V.B.S. week, is watching the group of people God puts together to make it all happen.

This year, we had people sign up to help who hadn’t helped in years past, people who served in unfamiliar areas but did it nonetheless because they answered God’s calling for them to serve. Some could only step in for a single day, and it just happened to be the exact day another volunteer couldn’t be there and we needed the extra help. Of course, I know that none of those things are a coincidence! God’s timing and provision are always perfect!

While Vacation Bible School has come to an end for this summer, I would like to encourage you all to still find ways to serve. Service to God is done out of a grateful heart for the love and mercies He has shown to us. It can be a bit scary or intimidating when we feel God prompting us to serve in an area outside of our comfort zone. But serving in an area where God has given us a specific talent can feel comforting and beautiful.

Service can be fun and exciting, leading us to meet new people and make new friends. Service to glorify God always requires some sacrifice on our part, and God always rewards us by drawing us into a closer relationship with Him.

Christian service is not necessarily easy, but it is most assuredly worthwhile. So, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ, pray about where God is calling you to serve Him. As the family of Christ, we all have a role; we must be commissioned to share the Gospel with everyone.

Then, as you feel that prompting, that whisper to your spirit, answer God’s calling to His service in your life.

Hester is a wife, mother of three, teacher, and children’s church director. She also enjoys traveling with her family, working in her garden, and reading in her spare time.