Online Giving

Online Giving

The greatest act of love and giving was God sending His Son, Jesus, for us.  Giving our time, talents, and financial gifts is simply our natural response to an understanding of the generosity of our loving God.

“Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

The Bible says in Matthew 6:24 that the top competitor for our commitment to God is our finances.  Giving allows us to demonstrate that He is more important to us than material things. There is no organization with more potential to change the world than the local church. Your gifts make a big difference in sharing the message of Jesus Christ!

Online Giving  

Set up a one-time donation or a recurring contribution through Vanco, the church’s secure networking platform.

We presently have 6 funds set up on our online giving option: 

(1) General Fund offerings allow us to meet our day-to-day operating and ministry expenses.

(2) Building Fund supports the ongoing growth and maintenance of our physical spaces.

(3) Student Ministry are gifts designated for our children and youth programming. 

(4) Disaster Relief funds are sent to UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) toward the 2025 California Fires.   

(5) The Next Step Fund are designated contributions directly applied towards paying down the balance on our recent construction.

(6) Missions Fund Gifts to this fund supports our community and worldwide mission initiatives.  

** When using your debit or credit card, the church is charged a 2.75% processing fee. When using this method, you are given the option to offset this fee by checking the box in the donation information. There is no processing fee when using your checking or savings account.  

Give Online

Sunday Worship

If you wish to present your gifts and offerings in person, you may do this during the designated time in the worship service.

Drop Off During Office Hours or Mail Contributions

If you would prefer to send your contributions by mail, please make your check payable to “Hinesville First UMC” and mail it to:

Hinesville First United Methodist Church

203 North Main Street

Hinesville, GA  31313

All contributions are secure and tax-deductible. You will receive a year-end giving statement for your records. Attenders of Hinesville First UMC will also receive quarterly giving updates.