Content by Hester Strickland
What Are You Waiting For?
The Bible is full of stories of people who found themselves in a season of waiting. Some were actively waiting. Noah built the ark according to God’s specific instructions while waiting for the first raindrop to fall. Abram gathered his wife Sarai and his livestock and began walking as they waited for the Lord to tell them the destination He had for them. Years later, Abraham (renamed by God) built an altar to the Lord while he waited for God…
Service Lasts a Lifetime
Another wonderful week of Vacation Bible School has finished, and I’ve had a few days to reflect on all the amazing ways I saw God moving during that week. Children came into the church building with excited faces and left smiling, laughing, and singing each day. I overheard children telling their parents about all the cool things they learned and did during Bible story time, the fun games they played outside during recreation, how they liked the snack they ate,…
My Journey Begins on this Spiritual Platform
I’ve thought about what to write for this first article, and I feel the best way to introduce myself to you and this platform is by sharing my story. As a Christian, my most important story is my testimony. I grew up in church. My uncle was a Baptist pastor, and my family and I were members of and were heavily involved in the church where he preached. My mother ran the “Mother’s Morning Out” program and nursery, so the…