Content by Yvette Asplund

Content by Yvette Asplund

So, Who Is God?

Father, Master, Comforter, Provider, Almighty, Healer, Great Physician, Shepard, and the list goes on. All these names refer to God in the many capacities He interacts with us in our lives. The question so often is, how can God be all things? There are three things we must understand that help explain this. You see, God is Omniscience, Omnipresent and Omnipotent. But what does this mean? Omniscience means God is all-knowing. Omnipresence means God is all-present. Omnipotence means God is…

Running Away

“I can’t do this!” How many times have you said this or turned away from something that made you uncomfortable, or you felt ill-equipped to handle a conversation that you just didn’t want to have? I do believe we can all honestly say we have run away from something at least once in our lives. Did you know that running from God is something we tend to do and do not realize that is what we are doing? How many…

Do Not Be Afraid

There are so many times in my life when I have been afraid. As a child, many of us are afraid of the monster under the bed or in the closet, or the dark, or the boogie man. As kids get older, they are afraid people won’t like them or are afraid of failing. As teens, they are afraid of not being liked or not having friends, or today it is of being bullied. As adults, we are afraid of…

Staying The Course

Faith is one of those things that challenges so many in their relationship with God. On more than one occasion my faith has been tested. My faith has been a challenge at times, and I am sure that is true for so many. But in all honesty what is faith really? The dictionary defines faith as complete trust or confidence in someone or something. Complete trust, isn’t that asking a lot? Well, isn’t that what we as Christians are called…

Christianity: Relationship, Not Religion

Christianity has been a source to guide the behavior of man since the very beginning. And in the very beginning God wanted to know those who He loved and for them to love Him back. Throughout the Bible we read of people trusting God and asking His direction with a desire to follow the path God directs them too. We see this with Abraham, Moses, Jacob, Joseph, Esther, and many others. What made their walk with God so special was…