When life feels overwhelming, and the world’s noise seems impossible to escape, the Word of God is one of the best places to turn. Specifically, Jesus’ words, often written in red in many Bibles, are a direct invitation into His heart and guidance.
These “red letters” inspire and instruct us on how to live, treat others, and walk out our faith, even when it’s hard. Jesus’ words in the New Testament give us a roadmap to build our lives on a solid foundation, no matter what circumstances come our way.
If we pause and reflect on what the world says is acceptable, we often find things that directly oppose what Jesus teaches us. People today might say it’s alright to elevate themselves above others, harbor anger, or speak hurtful words under the appearance of honesty.
Many justify ignoring those in need, excluding others because they don’t look, think, or act like them, and pursuing selfish ambitions without regard for the harm they cause. But Jesus’ words call us to something so much better.
Understanding the “Red Letters” of Jesus
The “red letters” in the New Testament are Jesus Christ’s direct teachings. These words summarize His wisdom and instructions for living a life of faith, love, and service. As we delve into these teachings, we discover a roadmap that contrasts sharply with the norms of our world. Jesus invites us to reflect, meditate, and act upon His words.
Why Meditation on Jesus’ Words is Essential
Meditation is a practice of deep reflection and consideration. When we meditate on Jesus’ red letters, we open our hearts and minds to His guidance and teachings. Many people find solace in their busy lives through meditation and mindfulness. What better focal point than the words that lead us toward compassion and love?
The Transformative Nature of Jesus’ Teachings
Bullying vs. Compassion: Jesus spoke against bullying, encouraging compassion and kindness. Unfortunately, bullying has become commonplace in many areas of life— schools, workplaces, and even online. Jesus’ words remind us to treat others with respect and dignity. Matthew 7:12 (The Golden Rule) urges us to treat others the way we want to be treated, a simple yet transformative perspective.
Disinformation vs. Truth: Our world is cluttered with disinformation—the act of deliberately spreading false information to mislead. In contrast, Jesus highlighted the importance of speaking the truth. John 8:32 says, “And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” By meditating on Jesus’ red letters, we should be compelled to seek and spread truth rather than deception.
Anger vs. Love: We’re often bombarded with messages that provoke anger and division. In contrast, Jesus calls us to love our neighbors and enemies, a significantly different thought from our society’s inclination toward anger and retaliation. When we meditate on the “red letters,” we assimilate them into our daily lives. We can counteract negativity and bitterness by reflecting on Jesus’ teachings about love and acceptance.
Labeling vs. Understanding: In our directories of life, we can easily find ourselves labeling individuals rather than understanding their stories. Jesus encourages us not to judge others harshly (Matthew 7:1). This lesson teaches us to approach relationships with empathy and kindness instead of labels and criticism.
Lack of Compassion vs. Acts of Kindness: Jesus consistently displayed kindness and compassion. In today’s world, self-serving behavior is not unusual and, unfortunately, deemed acceptable by many. But as Christ-followers, it’s critical to hold onto Jesus’ command to show love and mercy.
The Beauty of the “Red Letters”
In a world of disinformation and harsh words, Jesus shows us the value of truth and gentleness. Where selfishness is glorified, Jesus teaches us to be generous and humble. While society may encourage division, Jesus passionately calls us to unity. His words challenge us to step out of our comfort zones and make choices rooted in love, kindness, and grace.
Committing to what Jesus says isn’t always easy. It often means going against the currents of popular opinion and resisting the pull of our own selfish desires. But when we choose to do what Jesus says—even when it’s hard, even when others don’t understand—we experience the abundant life He promises.
Focusing on the “red letters” enables us to hear God’s heart clearly and empowers us to live as Jesus did.
When you sit down with your Bible and read His words, ask yourself, “What does this mean for how I live today?” Take time to meditate on what He is saying to you. Pray for the courage to follow His teachings and trust His way is always the best.
The red letters of Jesus are more than just words on a page; they are a call to action, a promise of hope, and a glimpse into the heart of God. Listen to them, learn from them, and live by them. Jesus’ way leads to life—and life to the fullest.
Dr. Tony Caldwell is pastor of the Hinesville First United Methodist Church. His teaching website can be found at Refinery Radio